Monday, January 5, 2009

don't you shiver

it is 53 degrees outside right now (so, freezing). i'm sure that means the swimming pool is 1 or 2 degrees away from turning into an ice skating rink, but right now i have the greatest urge to jump in. i keep trying to think why that would be a bad idea, and i'm having a hard time coming up with reasons. i probably would regret it after .3 seconds in the water, but i just have this strange strange feeling in my guts that it would be so wonderful...

i just went out there, to look. i almost did it - the water looked so inviting. (who knows why. i have been freezing all day. this sudden urge to get in is the strangest thing...) i stepped in, just to see. and i almost peed my pants. thank goodness i had some self control and didn't jump all the way in. i would be at the hospital with hypothermia, and you all would be extremely sad. hopefully that satisfied my strange strange need to be in freezing cold water. if not, i may just have to get in tomorrow, while the sun is shining...


Stephanie said...

I hope that this urge ends before I get there on Thursday or I might be tempted to do it with you. :-)

Debbie said...

Hey You! I guess you probably don't miss the 4 feet of snow in front of my house if you think it is freezing in 53 degree weather! I miss you-- I haven't been back to Modbe since you left. Oh Well.

3+Love~aki=Us said...

What? you mean you wouldn't rather be in -5 degree weather with your nose hairs frozen and chipping off if you breath out your nose?? ;) I really DO just love the holidays. I'm already doing next Christmas's the time. :)

Reid Family said...

Happy birthday jenna! Next time you come up call or something so we can see each other!!! It sounds so nice there! It is freezing here! I am tired of the snow. Gavin misses playing outside everyday.

idieh.trebbyl said...

Haha you silly goose. If you think 53 degrees is cold, come visit Utah again. A couple days ago it was about 7 degrees. I wonder if you would still want to jump into a pool then you crazy!!