i'm getting sick. as in, i can feel the sick lurking under the surface, just waiting for me to fall asleep so it can take over. i wish it would go away. i thought, up until recently, that i acquired a super immune system while i was in china. seriously, i didn't get sick once when i was there, and i haven't been sick all that often since i came home - 1 or 2 times, if i am remembering right. until i moved, that is. if i do end up succumbing and falling asleep tonight, i will have been sick twice since i moved in july. maybe it's the desert...
on a happier note, the lakers lost! like any good jazz fan, i always cheer for whoever the lakers are playing, and i was starting to get worried about their 7-0 record. but they lost tonight, and allen iverson has never looked quite so good to me.
i need some more excitement in my life...
1 comment:
I so know the feeling. And am almost to that stage. Day 1- Sore throat in the morning. Day 2-Stuffy nose/sneezy all day. Day 3- The sickness hits and you can't breathe through your nose! Ugh...
Maybe we should both intake large amounts of multivitamins and orange juice right now.
Good luck!
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