Monday, September 27, 2010

we'll generate sparks

alright, no more late night posting for me. it is obvious that i can't be normal past midnight... whoops!

i changed things up a little around here. first one to discover it wins a prize! (for real - no one ever wants to claim my prizes when i offer them. i'm just itching to give something away!)

(i didn't mean to imply i didn't sincerely mean what i wrote late last night. just that i wrote it like a nerd alert.)


my name is john said...

"what i wrote before" is now on the upper right side


prize for the cool kid from monterey!


Jenna Kae said...

that's where it always was... good try though! you can still have a prize for being the cool kid from monterey!

my name is john said...

maybe a surprise for you, on sunday, miss terious (get it?)

Jenna Kae said...

yeah, i get it. what's the surprise? (you know how much i love surprises...)